So I am officially getting sick of winter. It just seems like it gets colder and snowier with each day. This doesn't lead to a happy person. I am really looking forward to spring and getting outside. I need the sun!
We have been busy the past couple of weeks with school, work, and Corey's house. Sophia is ready for spring as well. This winter has been very difficult for outside play. She got outside a couple of times last week and we are hoping she will get ouside again this week.
She continues to love gymnastics and dance. They are currently working on their recital dances so it is fun and exciting to watch what is to come in early June. She will take a break from dance for the summer, but continue in gymnastics. She is doing a great job of writing her name and drawing/coloring more each day. Her favorites right now are still her Barbies, fairies, and Littlest Pet Shop. She will be going to several birthday parties over the next two months and it is hard for her to understand it is not quite time for hers yet.
Wishing spring could come quicker, I am excited for green grass and warm sun. Until then, I will just have to hope for those warmer 30 degree days when I can get outside and run.
interview with cnn & maddy’s first race.
10 years ago