Over the weekend Sophia attended her regular gymnastics class on Friday night and a make-up class on today. We have been practicing cartwheels at home quite a bit and Friday and Saturday it paid off. She landed four cartwheels in a row on Friday night and many more today.
With this new skill, she was able to move up to the next level. She can barely wait to be a "Super Tumbler" now! She came out and high-fived me after she landed the first one today. The coach was impressed and thought she was pretty cute.
What this means for us.....we have a real gymnast on our hands. It also means my little girl isn't so little anymore. I couldn't take my eyes off of her today as she demonstrated to the rest of the class how she could do a cartwheel, land it, and she even had the fancy "ta-dah" stance with her legs and arms. She just amazes me a bit more each day. I am so thrilled with her advancement, but also a bit sad. Some day I hope to be able to go back and show her the video of her first cartwheel and say, "Look this is before you grew into this beautiful young woman."
God's greatest gift to me: being a wife and a mother. What could be better!