Yesterday Sophia visited the dentist for the first time ever. I had prepped her ahead of time on what they would do so that she wouldn't be nervous. I think she was more excited then nervous.
We walked into the office and the first thing she told me was, "It smells in here." It was pretty funny. I explained that the smell was because they had to keep everything very clean in the office and that they also used things that smelled that kept your teeth clean. That answer seemed to suffice her curiosity on the smell.
Once we began walking back I could see her tense just a bit as everyone was laying down with bright lights in their face and instruments around their head/body. Her hygienist Gina explained that the reason why they lay people back in the chair is so you can see the movie they show on the tv better. She also told Sophia the movie was on the ceiling! This got her very excited.
She did absolutely wonderful. She sat through the whole cleaning and didn't really pay much attention to Finding Nemo on the ceiling. She picked cotton candy toothpaste and blue raspberry fluoride. The dentist Dr. Browning came in and told Sophia she had beautiful teeth.
Before leaving Sophia got a new toothbrush which she loves, dental floss (which we know will get used as a toy like it always does), an eraser, and a bouncy ball.
Here are a couple of pictures from her adventure:
Sophia before her cleaning
Excited to show me her floss