Sophia has been on this kick lately of riding her unicorn and her pony over at my parents house. She has finally mastered rocking on both of them without falling off. Today my mom taught her how to say, "Yee-haw"" when riding on her horse. It was quite funny. Here's a quick clip of her at our house tonight.
It was great having the day off. My mom and I took Sophia to the Mall of America today to do some spring shopping. We had a great time and all found some fun spring clothes. Then we went back to my parents house and my mom and dad watched Sophia so I could run at the Y.
Ta-dah! I had a new time today.....drum roll please.......5 miles in 42 minutes! Sophia was proud of me when I came home and told her. She said, "hooray mommy". Sophia and I went back home and got dinner ready. Hal came home and we ate a great dinner. I tried out a new recipe tonight and it was quite good.
Tonight Sophia and I met my mom at Gymboree to do a little more shopping since our trip today was cut short of this store due to the fact that we thought the little turkey would take a nap today. Of course no such luck.
It's going to be a short, but busy week. Tomorrow we're having a family dinner to celebrate my grandmother's birthday. Sophia can't wait to see Great Grandma Erma.
It’s a girl!!! |Family photography Rochester MN|
9 years ago
You have to share what your new recipe was! Also, congrats on the 5 miles time. That is AWESOME :)
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