Yesterday we took Sophia to the carnival and silent auction at my school. She had a great time playing games, eating popcorn, getting a blue puppy balloon and going in the jumper. Her new favorite thing in life is that jumper. I can hardly get her out of it! She has such a great time jumping around and getting bounced around by the bigger kids. She also loved two of my girls from last year who are now in 5th grade Taylor and Kayle. Of course they absolutely adored her and wanted nothing more then to follow her around and hang out with her all day. We bid on a couple of things at the silent auction, but we aren't sure if we won anything. We will find out on Monday.
We watched the wild animal show for a bit, but Sophia began to get restless as it was her nap time so we headed home. She had a quick nap and then it was off to Papa and Nana's house so we could go on a date.
Today we have had a busy day too. We ran a couple of errands this morning and then went to pick up Sophia. Then we went to buy pain for her room. I can't wait to get started on it. Stay tuned for picture updates as we start to paint. We also got her on the potty a couple of times too which is great. Knock on wood, but I think we have her!!
Tomorrow we're meeting Becca for our weekly girls dinner. Should be a really good time!
It’s a girl!!! |Family photography Rochester MN|
9 years ago
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