Today was my last day of school for the year and Sophia's last day at Corey's for the summer. It was a great treat to see all of my girls this morning at school and have a hot cocoa treat from Jen. After working in my room, I went to officially check out for the school year. It was a great feeling.
Then I came home and went on a 10 mile run with my sister-in-law Sarah. We're gearing up for Grandma's Half-Marathon which is coming up very soon. I can hardly believe it is almost finally here. It seems like forever ago that I got my confirmation e-mail that I got in.
I picked up Sophia today and Corey was sad to see her go. I assured her we would meet up with them at the park. Sophia also got a present from Corey. She picked out this cute little horse. She just loves it. We haven't named it yet.
Tonight we're just relaxing and Hal finished painting the deck. It looks just beautiful. Now he's on to mowing the lawn.
Tomorrow we're supposed to be going to the zoo, but it sounds as though it won't be very nice outside. We will have to see.
Happy Friday!
It’s a girl!!! |Family photography Rochester MN|
9 years ago
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