Friday morning we got some really bad storms in Woodbury and in MN in general. It hailed quite a bit at our house and looked like someone had dumped a monsoon in our yard. Sophia didn't really enjoy the storm until it started to hail. So I went outside and gathered some up for her so she could put it in a cup, examine it, and shake it around.
Sophia examining the hail in her cup
Holding the cup with the hail
When the stormed died down I was extremely glad because we had so many things to get done before Sophia went down for a nap. We were off and out the door to meet my mom for some errand running. We got some shoes for the wedding, the wedding present, jewelry, and some other items needed from Target.
Later afternoon, I got the laundry done and got dinner ready. Hal's parents came over for dinner that evening and we had a wonderful dinner on the grill. After eating, we went outside and Hal and his dad flew the kites. The weather was perfect and the whole neighborhood was out for the evening. Sophia didn't want to go inside to bed.
Saturday morning I got up bright and early to run the Lumberjack Days race in Stillwater MN. It was a 10 mile race and I finished in 1:38:26. I was quite proud of my time because I don't normally finish a longer race with under 10 minute miles.
My neighbor and I headed home after the race and I got home to find my smiling family waiting for me. They congratulated me on the run and then we played toys/play dough for a while. Sophia had a bath and then my parents came to pick her up.
Hal and I got ready to head to Cottage Grove to a friend's wedding. Congrats Stacy and Matt! The wedding was a really fun time!
Hal and I outside on the deck that overlooked the river
Hanging with Sarah and Nate
Our adorable niece Abby
Sunday we got up and read the paper out on the deck. It was a gorgeous morning. Then we went over to my parents to pick up Sophia. We went to the grocery store and Sophia and I went to the park when we got home. After lunch we got ready to head back over to my parents for our family picnic. My dad's side of the family all came over. It's quite fun with all 16 of us together.
Sophia floating in the pool with Hal
Hanging with the kids
Will, Thomas, and Elizabeth
Once we got home last night everyone completely crashed. We were all in bed at 8! It was a wonderful weekend, but I think I might need the week to recover. Today we have lunch with Jayne, Abby, and Sarah and then dance this evening. Hopefully the weather will be beautiful this week!
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