We bought a caterpillar at the State Fair over Labor Day weekend and have been patiently waiting as it turned from a caterpillar into a chrysalis. It has been a chrysalis for quite some time now. Finally yesterday I saw it turn to a black color so we knew something would be happening soon. Sophia could barely wait for it to turn into a monarch!
Last night between our quick stop home and then off to the Y, we noticed that there was a butterfly in the cage. It was just about the coolest moment ever to listen to Sophia get excited about it being a butterfly and to watch the look in her eyes as she examined the cage. I will never forget the sounds or the sight of her face at that moment.
After taking some photos with it, we took it outside and let it fly away. It took some getting use to it's new wings, but eventually figured out how to fly away. I think we were all sad to see it go.
If you haven't ever done this before, take the opportunity to do it now! My mom still talks about when we had a monarch and I still remember it from being a little kid, so I know Sophia will too!
Here are a couple of pictures to document the butterfly:
It’s a girl!!! |Family photography Rochester MN|
9 years ago
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