Today was my first day back to school, and Sophia had to get up bright and early to go back to Corey's house. It was a great weekend we had together and looking ahead at the month of September it will probably be our last full family weekend together! It is crazy how the weekends fill up so fast and pretty soon you're looking ahead to October.
Sophia had a great day with Corey again. She ate some new foods which was a nice treat. When it was time for dinner tonight she wanted nothing to do with her dinner. She did however eat the cheese! She's loving her cheese just like her daddy.
I can hardly believe that tomorrow is already Wednesday. I am looking forward to the fun weekend we have ahead of us. Hal is turning 30 on Saturday and is in a wedding of a very close friend. So this means, mom and dad have the night out! Sophia will be having her own fun with Nana and Papa.
Check out this video of our little dancing queen! This is her favorite thing to do along with turning circles.
It’s a girl!!! |Family photography Rochester MN|
9 years ago
That's hilarious how she dances then runs away! I miss my cute niece... hopefully we'll see you guys soon!
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