Finishing on the balance beam
Climbing in the pit
Jumping on the trampoline walk
Climbing on the donut walk
Sophia did not like the bouncer as much as I thought that she would. I think the fan was scary to her. I hope to get back to the gym with her either for open gym or signing up for next session. She just loved everything about the class today and it went by quickly!!
We drove home from class and got ready quickly. Then we were headed off to the MOMS Sale. I read about this sale in an article in the Woodbury Bulletin. It was unlike anything I have ever been to. We got there 45 minutes early and my mom and I couldn't believe our eyes. The people lined up were out the door. It was like when you hear about those crazy wedding dress sales where the people get tons of dresses for cheap and they line up super early. Well, our ticket we got put us in the last wave of people. I chatted with the girl in line in front of us for a bit. She said we would still find deals, but it might be a bit picked over when we got in. People were in line with bins and laundry baskets to hold their purchases. Once we got into the sale at the Eagan Community Center, the whole gym was full of clothes and everything baby and kid. Sophia was such a trooper while I power shopped to find the good stuff!
After hitting the sale, we went back home to have some lunch. Sophia was quite hungry. Today she tried pineapple for the first time and loved it! We finished our lunch, and then my mom had some time with her while I ran a few errands. Then Sophia went down for a nap and I went on a power walk. I came home and worked on lesson plans for a bit. Sophia woke up from her nap and ate some dinner. Then we were off to meet the Gutts for the fireworks.
They had a reserved place on the hill with treats and popcorn. Sophia also tried popcorn for the first time ever and also loved it!
The girls watching the fireworks
We were quite worn out when we got home and it was late. I'm sad to say Sophia didn't go potty today in the potty chair, but I am hoping for tomorrow.
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