After my run, Sophia and I got ready for the day. Then the big U-Haul truck came. Hal and others began to move things that were over at my parents to the truck. A HUGE THANKS goes out to Jayne, Hal, Matt, and Mark for helping us move this weekend!! Also to my parents for watching Sophia. We couldn't have done it without you guys!!!!!
Here's a cute picture of Sophia helping move too!
Everyone got us into the house quite quickly on Saturday. Jayne and I got Sophia's whole room primed so it is ready to paint when we get back from Tucson. By the time we all had lunch and got ready, it was 5pm. Hal and I went back to my parents house to get Sophia as they were off to a Halloween party. We gathered some more of our gear and headed over to the new house. What a fun night! We spent most of the evening until the wee hours getting things organized and put away. We even did some dishes in the dishwasher and clothes in the laundry. It was so exciting to learn how to work all of my new hi-tech appliances.
Yesterday we got up and did a whole bunch of work in the house. Then we decided to head to the mall to take a break. Sophia found her first snowman and boy did she love it!
After shopping around a bit, we went to get some lunch. Sophia had her first taste of fast food at Wendys. She loved her chicken nuggets and fries and ate a huge amount of her kids meal. I think she also liked sitting up at the table in her high chair with no bib and drinking her milk from her straw and not her sippy cup. My little girl is growing up!
We finished up our lunch and went to look at furniture. We saw a couple of things that we liked, but still want to do some more looking before we make a final decision.
Then it was time for us to head home as Sophia was getting pretty tired. We got back and I went on a run on the paths by our house. It was really fun to check out my new neighborhood! I am loving all of the paths to run on.
When I got back my non-napper was playing with her daddy in the family room. Sophia is really enjoying all of the room to run around and play.
We all got ready and went to pick out our pumpkins. Hal did a great job of finding us two perfect pumpkins. I took several pictures and will put them in the slideshow for you to see!
The pumpkins got loaded into the car and then we were off to Jake's to have dinner with Grandpa Hal and Grandma Jayne. What a great time we had!! Sophia had a wonderful time giggling with them and we all loved our dinners.
It was getting late and we still had to head to Target so we said our good-byes and headed out. We got what we needed at Target and then headed home. We did a little more organizing after Sophia went to bed last night.
Tonight we have another busy night. Grandma Jayne and Grandpa Hal are coming over to hang out. We also have Mike coming over to measure the house for drapes. Yippee drapes!!
Stay tuned for pictures from The Great Pumpkin Hunt!
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