Sophia wanted to run around tonight after she got home from the park with no pants on. It was quite the funny sight upon arriving home this evening. Hal and I were at the new house meeting with the drape lady. When I got home, I found her giggling in just her onesie no pants.
Tonight we practiced Trick-Or-Treat with her beautiful new candy bag. Grandma Jayne made Sophia the coolest blankie and treat bag. Sophia just loves both of them!
Tomorrow we are having a family dinner together. We have been quite busy with the new house so we are all sitting down together to try one of Nana's new recipes. I think Papa might be a bit leery. Hal and I are eager to give it a try. I'm sure Sophia will like it too. After that Nana, Sophia, and I plan on going on a walk. We need the fresh air.
Happy Monday!
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