Today was a VERY LONG DAY! We got up and got ready for Corey's house/work. Sophia wasnn't her cheery self this morning. I'm pretty sure she is going through a growing spurt right now as she is taking long naps at Corey's house and eating way more than she normally does.
I had conferences today after school and I was quite thrilled when I got done. The day couldn't have gone by fast enough. When talking with my friends Kari and Jen this morning we all agreed it was a bad day to be tired. Kari was up at 5 with her daughter Jenna and Jen was up at 4 with her dog. Jen got up and made dinner for tonight. I couldn't believe her! Her parents are in town from ND so I know that it was a great treat for them tonight. I'm quite excited as we made a date for a kids/mommy dinner at Red Robin in a couple of weeks. It will be great to get the kids all together.
After I got done with conferences, I hit the road. I had to stop and get gas and couldn't believe that only getting $10 worth filled up half a tank in my SUV. I was thrilled!!
When I got home, Sophia was waiting for me at the door. She pulled me right in and I could barely take my boots off fast enough. We were going to go to Target tonight to get Sophia's bathroom stuff, but it got too late. So we played toys and read books and then it was time for her to get ready for bed. Before she went down, I got her new word on video. Christmas is here early!! Santa is the word of the week.
Then it was bed time for Sophia. Hal and I watched the Wild game and had dinner. I can barely wait for our date tomorrow night. We are going to Kincaids for dinner. I will really need some unwinding after conferences again tomorrow. Happy Almost Friday! *Hi Marie, hope your conferences are going well!*
It’s a girl!!! |Family photography Rochester MN|
9 years ago
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