Yesterday Hal got a letter in the mail from the United States Patent Office saying they approved his application and granted his patent for Micreoencapsulated heat delivery vehicles. In non-engineer speak this means Hal came up with an idea, and got an official patent on it. Way to go to my famous husband!!!!!!!
Today was another busy day in our household. Sophia started off with her regular morning routine. I had to get to school a bit early and get things ready for my conferences tomorrow. I also had my wind shield replaced today. Last week when I was driving home from school, a truck kicked up a huge rock and it flew at my windshield. It sounded like it was going to go right through. Luckily it didn't, but left a pretty huge dent.
The day at school went quick just like Wednesdays always do. I got my flu shot today which of course was the non-highlight of my day. I HATE NEEDLES!!!!! My director stayed with me and we giggled together about my fear. What a great guy. Then it was off to pick up Sophia. When I got to Corey's she said Sophia had a great day, but slept for three hours. She even slept right through lunch! She must be growing as she has been sleeping and eating tons. Sophia was following Tucker Corey's dog around. She just loves that huge dog. You would think she would be scared of a German Sheperd, but not a chance. Tucker is the sweetest dog ever!
Sophia and I hurried home to meet Hal who was working on getting a quote from a gutter install guy. Then I was off to the Y to teach Bodyflow. Auntie Sarah came and it was great to have her in class. Tonight I taught the new release again. I felt so much more confident after having done it twice now. Also, I didn't have my boss there evaluating me either so that made me feel better.
Sarah and I worked out for a bit upstairs after class and then she left. I did some more on the elliptical and ran a mile. My knees have been quite tired lately so I'm trying to switch off my workouts.
I got home and Sophia greeted me at the door. She took my hand and led me to her toys. She was chatting with me up a storm. Lately she has been saying more and more words. Some I understand and some I really don't. Her new word is Santa. It's so cute! Whenever we go to a store and she sees Santa she says it. I can't wait to take her to the real thing.
Sophia was off to bed and then Hal and I made some dinner. We watched How I Met Your Mother which was a good one. We're going to head off to bed soon as tomorrow is going to be another long day. I have conferences after school. On Friday, I have conferences again but no kids. Then Hal and I have date night. Sophia is heading to my parents and we are going to Kincaids for dinner. I can't wait! I am really looking forward to all of the fun things we are going to do this weekend.
Happy almost birthday to Uncle Nate!
It’s a girl!!! |Family photography Rochester MN|
9 years ago
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