Once we got to Corey's our day was off and running. I had a field trip this morning to the State Capitol. It was a wonderful short field trip. We were only gone this morning so when we got back, we only had 30 minutes until recess/lunch. After school got done, I was off to pick up Sophia.
Corey shared that Sophia was the funniest dancer ever today. She said that all Sophia wanted to do was shake her bum and her hips to the Hokey Pokey. Corey said that every time the tape stopped, Sophia would run over and push play again. Corey and I had a great laugh while Sophia demonstrated her dancing skills for me. Once we got in the car, Sophia was talking up a storm. We have been practicing several words lately. Her newest thing is to touch people on the leg and say very cheerfully, "Hi" :)! Yesterday when we went to lunch she had to touch every person on the way out the door.
We headed home to see how daddy was feeling and had some dinner. Then we went to Perkins to get Uncle Nate a birthday French Silk Pie. It's his birthday today so we thought we would get him his favorite treat! After dropping off the pie, Sophia and I headed to Target.
We checked out all of the cute girl clothes and then all of the Christmas stuff. After doing some looking, we went and picked out all of the new towels/shower curtain/bathroom accessories for her bathroom. She picked out the sea creatures with the octopus and sea horse. It is pretty cute!
When we got home, she had to take it all out of the bag to examine it.
Taking a look at the bath towels
Claiming her spot on the toothbrush holder (she doesn't have to share with anyone though, she has it all to herself)
After setting up her new bathroom, we got ready for bed. It was somewhat past her bedtime so I tried to speed the process along. She went to bed quickly and then I was off to the Community Center to work out.
Now I'm home and I'm ready for bed. Tomorrow will be another busy day! I have a conference/workshop to attend downtown St. Paul. Then I have to teach tomorrow night at the Y. Wednesday, Hal and I celebrate our 3 year anniversary. Thursday night, we are getting our drapes installed. Thursday is also my director's b-day. Friday is my mommy's b-day and we are headed out for dinner with our friends Matt and Renee. Sophia is excited as Stephanie is coming over to babysit.
Looks like another packed week!
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