Today was another busy day. I had to leave bright and early to get to work for morning extended. Then I had play practice and Student Council Morning Meeting. Today was also the kick-off for Tesseract Spirit Wear and Student Council Toys for Tots. Does it sound like I had a busy morning?
I was glad when the day was over. Only three more this week! When I went to pick Sophia up tonight she was talking up a storm. She is now really repeating everything we say and saying several new words each day! Today on the way home the new words I heard were:
When we got home Hal was shoveling the driveway. She is also practicing the word shoveling. It is not quite all there yet. Sophia and I played a bit in the kitchen, ate our candy from the Advent Calendar, and plugged in the Christmas tree. We looked at her daily sheet to discover that she went poo again today on the big girl potty. She is also officially now wearing pull-ups!! We also got our letter to let us know about the Christmas party at Corey's on Tuesday night. I'm sure that will be really fun.
After checking out the mail and letters we got dinner ready. Hal came in and the three of us had a great dinner together. When Sophia got done eating, we let her decorate her gingerbread boy. It was quite the sight!
Tomorrow will be another busy day. When I get home tomorrow night I think we might make a cotton ball snowman!
It’s a girl!!! |Family photography Rochester MN|
9 years ago
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