Sophia and Callan sitting together like big girls
After finishing our breakfast, Sophia and I headed over to Target. She loves to look up and down the aisles. She was also very excited as we picked out some new music cds for her to listen to on her new cd player she got for Christmas. I think she fell in love with me all over again after I handed her the cds. The look on her face was just priceless.
We left Target and ventured over to Rosedale Mall. Again, loving the mommy as I let her run free in the mall. Don't worry I was right by her side, but she didn't have to hold my hand which really made her feel like a big girl. Along with sitting on the big girl potty too. No luck on the potty though. She got a bit nervous when we dried our hands with the hand dryer. It was pretty noisy.
Then we came home and had some lunch. We finished the muffin we got from breakfast and Sophia had soup and corn. She can't get enough of the corn. I swear we feed it to her for lunch and dinner daily and she never gets tired of it!
Tonight Hal's parents are coming to dinner and we're going to grill. I'm excited for chicken on the grill. Tomorrow Sophia and I are going shopping with my mom. Then in the evening we are going out for dinner with Adi and Andrea. Here's a quick video of her practicing her grocery shopping skills. She's a natural.
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