Even though it snowed a ton today, that didn't keep us down. Sophia and I stared off our second mommy and me day together with pancakes. Sophia loved the pancakes so much that they literally ended up everywhere. I found them in her ear and on her eye. After a mini bath from breakfast, we got cleaned up and played lots of toys. Then we colored some pictures for a while.
Papa and Nana came and picked us up at the auto care station while I dropped my car for an oil change. We then headed out to Mall of America. We did some shopping and I found some great deals at Gymboree for clothes for next year. I can't wait until Sophia can wear them!
When we left the mall it was snowing pretty hard. We went back to my parents house and Sophia had some lunch. I got ready and went to the gym. My run went excellent today! While I was running, Sophia was supposed to be sleeping. When I called to check in, apparently Nana had no such luck. Sophia had been playing in her crib for over an hour. This is a new phase for us. She has been doing quite a bit of this lately at night after I put her down. As long as she is safe and entertained I'm not worried.
I went and picked up a movie for the night and then went back to my parents house to get Sophia. We went and picked up some dinner and headed home. After Sophia had her dinner of broccoli, broccoli, and more broccoli we had a dance party together. Then it was time for jammies, milk, and a book. Hal arrived home just in the nick of time to read with us.
After Sophia went to bed, I ate dinner and watched my movie. I'm about to head up for bed as we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow. I'm going to get up and go to the gym. Tomorrow night is New Years Eve and I can barely wait to celebrate!! I'm sure we will have plenty of pictures to post from the adults party and Sophia's party with Papa and Nana.
It’s a girl!!! |Family photography Rochester MN|
9 years ago
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