Sunday, July 19, 2009

Teddy Bear Park

I'm so happy to have the sun back! Getting up to the rays shining in my window this morning at 7:30 was a welcome sight. When I got Sophia up I gave her two choices of what we could do today......choice #1 go to Lake Calhoun to see the boat races/sand castle contest for the Aquatennial.....choice #2 go to the Teddy Bear Park and bring a picnic lunch. Can you guess which one she picked? Of course it was the Teddy Bear Park.

We spent the majority of the day at the park hanging out and playing. I could hardly believe that when I looked at my watch, we had spent over 4 hours playing/eating lunch.

Sophia made a couple of friends throughout the day. It was pretty cute. I also chatted with a mom from White Bear Lake. We swapped advice on baby/kids stuff. It was fun!

When we got home we played for a bit outside in the yard and then it was time for Sophia to take a nap. I read my book and relaxed. Hal came home from the cabin and it was so good to see him.

After Sophia woke up we played and then she ate a very huge and very long dinner out on the deck. Sitting on the deck was phenomenal. I gave Sophia a bath and we put her to bed. Then Hal and I headed back out to the deck to watch the Twins game.

What a great day! Tomorrow we will head to the Y and the library. Sophia has dance too, so I'm sure it will be another busy day. Hopefully the weather will hold this week.